MAXQDA Standard
Advanced qualitative & mixed methods research for Windows and Mac.
MAXQDA Standard is the best choice for comprehensive qualitative data analysis of diverse data sets. It works with a wide range of data types and offers powerful tools for advanced coding, retrieval, transcription and visualization, while still being easy to learn and use.

Applicable for a wide range of data
Use MAXQDA Standard to manage your entire research project. Import data from interviews, focus groups, online surveys, web pages, images, audio and video files, spreadsheets, bibliographical data and even YouTube comments and Tweets easily. Organize your material in groups, link relevant quotes to each other, and share and compare work with other members of your team. Your project is always flexible and your code system can be expanded or refined, just like your research.
Code &
Retrieve your Data
Mark important information in your data with different codes by using regular codes, colors, symboyls, or Emojis. Code quickly via drag & drop or with automatic coding for search words and organize your thoughts and theories in Memos that can be stuck to any element of your project. Retrieve coded segments quickly and efficiently with just one click or make use of powerful search tools to test and develop new theories.

Capture your ideas
Great ideas often come up when you’re reading and coding your data. Memos are the perfect place to keep them. Choose from 11 different icons to mark your Memos. The unique MAXQDA Memo Manager and a search function guarantee immediate access to every single Memo at any time. Memos are also great for creating audit trails or paraphrasing passages into your own words.
Find what you’re looking for
MAXQDA offers project-wide searches within documents, Memos or current retrieval results. You can type in single or multiple search strings and combine them using operators. Quickly scroll through each search hit with an interactive search result display and apply a code automatically to all or selected search results. Of course, you can also perform a quick search in each individual window of MAXQDA.

Analyse and transcribe media
Use MAXQDA to code audio and video files directly without creating a transcript first. Or transcribe your media to analyze the written text instead, while always staying connected to the original media clips. MAXQDA has extended transcription functions with which you can adapt the speed or the sound volume of your audio and video files and use foot pedals to speed up the transcription. Media clips are treated like any other segments in MAXQDA. You can code, paraphrase, retrieve, comment and assign a weight to these segments in the same way as with other segments.

The Mixed Methods Expert – Integrate demographics
Integrate quantitative methods or data deeply into your project and use MAXQDAs Mixed Methods tools. Link qualitative data to demographic variables, quantify the results of your qualitative analysis, calculate statistical frequencies, or compare groups based on quantitative as well as qualitative findings in MAXQDA Standard.

Visualize your data and test your theory
Automatically or manually generate stunning visualizations of your data. Look at your data from a completely new perspective for new insights or theory testing. Share your results by exporting them into impressive images to use in your reports and presentations. Or create extensive maps with the on-board mapping tool MAXMaps.
QTT: Collect relevant insights and develop new theories
MAXQDA 2022 introduces a brand new and innovative workspace to gather important visualization, notes, segments, and other analytics results! The new QTT will support you during the analysis phase after coding and is the perfect space to collect relevant insights and develop new theories.
Share your research with the world
Your MAXQDA data is just waiting to be shared with the world! Export parts of your project, single documents, search results or the whole project into easily readable file formats, like Excel, Word. You can also export complete projects into a clear and understandable folder structure. MAXQDA also follows the REFI-QDA standard, which allows you to export and import data from other QDA software packages.

Work with any Language in MAXQDA
MAXQDA offers a variety of possibilities to work with different languages. Not only is the User Interface available in numerous languages but also your analysis can be conducted in every single language of the world. The fact that MAXQDA supports Unicode makes it possible to import and analyze documents in any script and language. Learn how to use MAXQDA in your preferred language in our Getting Started Guides. Additionally, our international Professional Trainer Network provides the opportunity to participate in multilingual MAXQDA Workshops.
MAXQDA Plus adds the MAXDictio module to the advanced qualitative analysis features of MAXQDA Standard. The MAXDictio module enables researchers to facilitate a vast range of procedures for quantitative content analysis. Included are tools for visual text exploration, content analysis, vocabulary analysis, dictionary-based analysis and more.

Visual Text Exploration
Whether you are analyzing a single speech or an entire bookshelf: MAXDictio in MAXQDA Plus allows you to explore the content and structure of your texts without needing to read or code a single sentence in advance. The Interactive Wordtree visualizes all the combinations that lead to or from any word of your choice, including a detailed display of frequencies. This incredibly powerful feature can provide new and fascinating perspectives even on texts you know well and allows for a comprehensive overview of those you don’t.
Content Analysis: Analyze single words…
Whatever your style of research or unit of analysis: MAXDictio provides the tools to suit your needs. Are you interested in the use of certain terms in your material? Use the “Keyword-in-context” feature to display all word locations and their (freely definable) context in an interactive results table. One click is all you need to jump to the original passage in your document browser.

…or entire word combinations.
Interested in the frequencies, ranks and distribution of word combinations? Filter them according to your own interests! The advanced options allow for lemmatization (summarizing words that share the same stem), the use of stop word lists, the dissection of your material in conjunction with variables or codes, and much more.
Vocabulary Analysis
Use MAXDictio to analyze frequencies, ranks and the distribution of single words in your material. Lemmatization and the use of stop word lists and go lists is included, as well as the option to analyze your material inconjunction with variables or codes.

Dictionary based Analysis: Define categories
Our dictionary features allow you to define categories of search terms, the occurrence of which you can then measure and compare. Whether you drag-and-drop terms from a results table, type them in, import them from a file or automatically derive them from codes – you’ll have lots of opportunities to process them further. Compare frequencies, ranks and distributions of your specified search terms with each other and discover their value.
Dictionary based Analysis: Analyse categories
Analyze the frequencies for entire dictionary categories. Use the Category Matrix Browser to visualize your findings. If you want to continue your analysis on another level, you can automatically code your categories and all your search terms or convert them into document variables.

More functions
MAXDictio allows you to analyze Japanese texts, makes it easy to manage multiple stop and go-lists, and quickly creates a tag cloud for every piece of your material you are interested in. Every result table is interactive -jump to the original passage in the document browser with one click or drag-and-drop results from frequency tables into your dictionary. You can also code your search results with a new or existing code and include as much context inwords, sentences or paragraphs as you like. Or you can export your results as Excel or even as HTML files.
MAXQDA Analytics Pro
MAXQDA Analytics Pro adds the Stats module to the advanced qualitative analysis features of MAXQDA Plus and MAXQDA Standard. Seamlessly quantify your qualitative data and enrich your analysis with evidence and plausibility. Statistically analyze your qualitative data in MAXQDA or import and connect your data with data sets in the Excel or SPSS format.
Data Compatibility
Use the Stats module to run statistical calculations with your MAXQDA project data. Statistically analyze code frequencies across documents and create new data groups in your qualitative project based on statistical results. Include all parts for your data or use activation to limit the analysis to specific documents and codes. You can also work with Excel or SPSS datasets – just like in any other statistical software package.

Descriptive Statistics
Create simple charts to compare frequencies and percentages for variables or codes. Frequency charts are interactive – remove and merge columns or rows with automatic recalculation of percentages. Create customizable charts and graphs for your results and copy them into the output viewer or directly into your reports and presentations. Calculate descriptive statistics including mean, standard deviation, variance, quartiles, median, and range.
Compare Groups
There are a variety of methods for examining relationships between two or more variables in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Crosstabs are among the basics that no statistics program should be without: They are easy to customize and can provide valuable insights to anyone – not just statisticians. Highlighting options make interpreting the results quick and easy. If you’re looking for something more sophisticated, you can also compare the effect of a factor on different groups with an analysis of variance (ANOVA). t-Test is available for Independent Samples, including test of normal distribution with Shapiro-Wilk, and effect sizes Cohen’s d and Hedges’ g.

Discover correlations
One of the most basic statistical procedures to explore relationships within your data is to test for correlations. With the Stats module, you can calculate the two most common correlation coefficients with just a few mouse clicks: Pearson’s r and Spearman’s Rho. Select cases directly in the visualization to remove cases or to save any group of cases as a Data Editor filter or a MAXQDA Document Set.
Scale, Compute & Recode
Creating your own scale can be a good way to properly measure the dimensions you are most interested in. Calculate Cronbach’s alpha to check reliability in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Save scales as new variables and calculate the sum or mean of the item values. Create new variables by calculating or recoding existing variable values, and mix code frequencies and variable values while computing new variables using standard mathematical operators.

User Friendly Output Viewer
With MAXQDA Analytics Pro we extend our high standard of usability into the realm of statistical analysis. The integrated output viewer is just one of the many features we’ve implemented to deliver on this promise, but a key one: every table and chart is exported to the output viewer with just one click. There they stay, no matter what you do in the meantime -waiting to be transferred into your report with a simple copy & paste.
It has always been easy to collaborate as a team with MAXQDA. The new MAXQDA TeamCloud goes one giant step further: Files are shared via a secure cloud space, and the entire teamwork workflow is directly integrated into MAXQDA.
Collaboration without the hassle
Distribute projects and external documents, view your team’s latest activity, and get notified of new imports or downloads within MAXQDA. Let your software handle team communication and file management so you can focus on your analysis.

Work offline & Share online
All team members can work simultaneously – offline. You do not need an internet connection during the analysis phase – this guarantees speed, maximum security, stability, and efficiency. An internet connection is only required during the upload and download of files.
Import Options & Transparency l
The team lead imports each team member’s work into the main project, either automatically or manually. You can now always access the project import history in merge notes that are automatically saved as free memos.

Team logbook
Collect important notes and project information in a shared online team logbook on the TeamCloud website that everyone can contribute to in real-time.
Always up to date
As a team lead, you will receive automatic notifications in MAXQDA or via email as soon as a team member has completed their tasks and uploaded data for you to import. This allows you to concentrate fully on your research.

License Requirements
MAXQDA TeamCloud licenses are available for customers with an annual subscription license. You can add the TeamCloud as an add-on module while purchasing a new subscription. Alternatively you can add a TeamCloud module to an existing subscription in your MAXQDA MyAccount.
TeamCloud users with a license receive 25 GB of storage space and can actively initiate team projects and collaborate with up to 4 team members.
- The team lead must have both a TeamCloud license and a compatible MAXQDA 2022 license (Single user or network license).
- Each team member needs a compatible MAXQDA 2022 license (Single user or network license).
- All TeamCloud users need to create a free TeamCloud web account.

MAXQDA License Options
License Types
Identical functionality, different styles of installation. For Windows and Mac.
A personal MAXQDA license for individual users with up to 2 computers. INSTALLATION
Starting at 1 license
2 computers belonging to a single user. Installations may not be used simultaneously and only by that user. SUBSCRIPTION / PERPETUAL
MAXQDA license managed on a server for easy distribution in your network.
Simultaneous use by as many clients as seats purchased / access by double the number of clients as seats purchased.
Starting at 5 seats
Subscription or Perpetual?
365 carefree subscription including free version upgrades or one-time purchase of current
Upgrades to new versions included
Not Included
May be purchased at a discount price
Response within 1 business day
Response within 1-3 business days
TeamCloud license can be purchased
Not available
TeamCloud license not available
Software Updates Included
Updates and bugfixed included
This one-time purchase MAXQDA license has an unlimited duration and never expires. Can be upgraded to new versions with a discount.
This one-time purchase MAXQDA license has an unlimited duration and never expires. Can be upgraded to new versions with a discount.
Special License Offers for Educational Institutions
Subscription only:
Please contact us for an individual offer
Course License
Free license for students in methods courses.
Private computers of students taking part in methods courses.
Free of charge:
For verified research methods courses
Special License Offers for Students
Don’t let a low budget limit your research! We offer fully functional student licenses for personal use at an affordable price.
6 and 24 month options

MAXQDA 2022 (Network / University)