Features of SystemModeler

Modeling & Simulation With SystemModeler

Build high-fidelity models using predefined components in an easy drag-and-drop environment. Perform numerical experiments on your models to explore and tune system behavior.

Drag & Drop Modeling

Drag & Drop Modeling

Multidomain Modeling

Built-in Model Libraries

Hybrid Systems Modeling

Simulation & Experimentation

Instant Visualization

Standalone Simulation Executable

Export & Publish Results

BioChem Libraries

Custom Components & Libraries

See All Modeling & Simulation Features

Analysis & Design With Mathematica

Get a deeper understanding of model behavior using Mathematica. Analyze model equations and simulation results using all of Mathematica’s features including visualization, control systems design, and more.

Programmatic Simulation Control

Sensitivity Analysis

Model Calibration

Get a deeper understanding of model behavior using Mathematica. Analyze model equations and simulation results using all of Mathematica’s features including visualization, control systems design, and more.

Notebook Environment

Plotting & Custom Visualization

Model & Equation Analysis

Control System Design

Computable Data

Optimization & Design

All of Mathematica

See All Analysis & Design Features